Among Friends

Pink Think: “Friends… they cherish one another’s hopes. They are kind to one another’s dreams.” – Henry David Thoreau

My bootcamp buddies (l-r): the witty Melanie Jacobson, the amazing Josi Kilpack, me, and the imaginative Kim Coates

Just got back from LDStorymakers Conference this past weekend. After getting ready for it for the past few months, I was excited to finally be there!

My thoughts:

I learned YA is hot and historical is not. Should I make Ghost Moon Night fully YA or keep revising When the Jasmine Blooms? I will not abandon my historical, but why not go with my most commercially viable book? Plus, if I don’t do it, awesome cheerleader extraordinaire Shirley Bahlmann will get on my case.

At the last minute, sharing a hotel room with a friend fell through, so I got to just pamper myself in my own room, my own king-size bed, my own time to go to bed. I wrote a little on my Alphasmart, but my brain was kind of mush after all the terrific sessions.

There were about 500 participants this record-breaking year. I remember a time when the “biggest room” was maybe one-fifth of the ballroom. And all of us want to get published! It’s both cool and daunting. There is so much talent…and supportive vibes.

I saw an author who has now become very successful kind of shrink into themself, not wanting anyone but published authors to talk to them. And then there are other authors who are so giving with their smile and conversation. I want to be like the latter someday, when I am a published novelist.

When. Right. You heard me. When.