Moon River

Pink Think: “The wheel is come full circle.” – William Shakespeare

I have been learning a lot of songs lately on acoustic guitar. My kids hear me practice sometimes. And every other night, I take turns with my husband singing them a lullaby. Last night, as I tuck in my girls, I tell them, “You know the songs I sing. What would you like me to sing to you?”

My oldest hesitates. “What do you want to sing?”

“You pick,” I say.

“Okay. Moon River.”

Moon River is not one I have learned on guitar. But it has been my lullaby to them since they have been little. That and Someone’s Waiting For You, the theme from the Disney movie Rescuers.

So I sing it sans guitar.

I still remember my favorite lullaby as a child, the one my dad used to sing to me. It was…Moon River.

Did YOU have a favorite lullaby as a child? What was it?