The Rogue Raider


Thru the wilds of war, bonds are shattered and forged…

Thrust into exile, Princess Juliza Alimuddin is mourning all she’s lost, while working to accept a new life. Thankfully, Raul has been allowed to remain by her side and his love steadies the turmoil inside her. Juliza is even beginning to think he may be the one to heal her heart.

Until a traitor from the past resurfaces.

A chance meeting with Koda—the man she once loved who betrayed her to the rebellion—reminds her of his treachery and the price she paid because of it. Yet, as they are thrown together, Juliza is stunned to realize she still has feelings for him.

Caught between the two men, Juliza doesn’t know if she can trust her heart anymore. When her father is cast into prison for treason and a dangerous chance to retake her crown emerges, she must choose who will fight for freedom beside her.

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